Today you sleep well Mattress Xilinmen formal investigation first shares of Chinese home furnishing -松坂大輔

couldn't sleep the sleep of Chinese attention increasingly prominent

"Richuerzuo, sunset and the traditional way of life interest" gradually away from us, when civilization and progress brought about by modern people work and leisure time extended indefinitely -- sleep problems, has become a new topic can always open.

in China, by the sleep problems also has gone beyond the field of health has become a social topic, many social media keen attention, "can not sleep" of China into one of China's an important characterization in recent years tracing. A popular occupation sleep chart shows, in this country every day 24 hours there, all must keep a sober state occupation people.

in this context, in September 12, 2012, the first world health sleep industry conference held in China, came at just the right time. General Assembly on the same day,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, the field of furniture industry, sociology, psychology and other foreign experts, school school, business representatives gathered in Shanghai, to explore a path of healthy sleep.

China Index Research -- to sleep, a sleep brand's unique observation of

"Chinese society changes fast in recent thirty years, everyone involved is the tide of the times wrapped up, opportunities and unprecedented challenges experienced by. We have good? As has been witnessed in sleep changes people's China mattress Xilinmen brand, think sleep is a very important measure......"

in September 12, 2012 the first world health sleep industry conference, Xilinmen chairman Chen Ayu in his keynote speech "China witness, sleep observation: share," says in the future.

in his speech, he as a sleep industry for more than 20 years practitioners perspective, tells the story of these years great changes in our sleep to sleep industry and social background; he pointed out, maybe twenty years to sell about 10000000 mattresses, although sleep relates to many factors, but these buyers and greater China people who sleep well,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, as a focus of sleep "brand, has the responsibility to do something for the industry, to society,Today you sleep well Mattress Xilinmen formal investigation first shares of Chinese home furnishing , to the consumer, has meaning to their own things".

Xilinmen together with start Chinese sleep index

this thing, is healthy in this forum to Chinese Sleep Research Society, Chinese Medical Association, Chinese sleep index survey was launched "" (ChinaSleepQualityIndex, referred to as CSI). After the ceremony, vice president of China Xilinmen king? In an interviewing said: "today, change the way of life for all the world to pay attention to sleep, also let the mattress is not only a bed, through it, we can observe a state of sleep, social status."


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