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Aidydanton Eddie Denton men's wear brand aidydanton Eddie Denton brand introduction aidydanton Eddie-柴棺龜

at the beginning of the twentieth Century, Britain is in a period of vigorous development, the British royal family is the life of leisure as a fashion in his daily life, especially in the clothing, fashion leisure life style and function has become the symbol of the royal family members of each other and identity. As a royal palace designer Fran· Danton (Fran · Denton) for the British Royal designed the first set of professional fashion,Aidydanton Eddie Denton men's wear brand aidydanton Eddie Denton brand introduction aidydanton Eddie, leisure clothing, by the royal family and the love of the duke. Fran· in a nobleman's recommendation, Danton (· Fran; Denton) for king George III made a delighted, George III, granted to Fran· Danton (Fran · Denton Knight). Since then the royals have to have a set of Fran· Danton (· Fran; Denton) dress proud. Aidy· Danton (Eddie · Denton) young man, the most promising young a royal designer in Fran· Danton (· Fran; Denton) eldest son. He didn't want to follow in his father's reputation, in 1925 alone, conceal one's identity to London University clothing academy for advanced studies. With his innate one's ability and cleverness, plus diligence in school, only a year to get the academy dean's identity, he used to observe the franchise in Institute of science, and many times to get to the hospital to observe the Royal read. He completed two years on the original of the four years to complete the private sector.
1925 years after graduation to become the Dean introduces, into the court costume institute. Danton (· Fran· Fran; Denton) jazz was congealed with this young academy school student was his son, in the next three years he worked with his father in, get direct father. Under the guidance of his father he more play to their talent for design, continuous innovation, break through the traditional fetter, abandoned,lv包包價錢, each design works reflect the noble, elegant breath, send out a successful men's personality charm, deeply with Sir Wang Gonggui's favor.

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